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Asakusa, Tokyo has long had many leather wholesalers, and leather products were also actively produced there.
In Asakusa, where competition is so fierce, why has KADOYA become a well-known manufacturer not only in Japan but also overseas?

Let's unravel the reason with history.


always innovate

Cultivation of craftsmen Currently, Kadoya's main factory has a good balance of veteran and young craftsmen. Skills of veterans and enthusiasm of young craftsmen. Both parties are aiming to ...

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with the motorcycle

Arrival of the motorcycle boom In 1975, Masataka Fukano, the son of founder Shojiro Fukano, became the second president. Around this time, the company expanded its business by focusing ...

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Sale of full-scale riders jackets

Brand KADOYA, start In the 1930s, there was no leather for leather jackets at that time, so they used leather brought in by customers or purchased for bags. There were many things that woul...

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1930年代 - 創立と海を超えた奇跡

1930s - Founding and Miracles Beyond the Sea

Leather town, Asakusa Kadoya is the oldest leather jacket manufacturer in Japan. The corporate spirit of challenge and innovation has not wavered during the 70 years since its founding. Kadoya...

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“Provide motorcycle riders only with “true value” that has cleared strict standards”
This is KADOYA's motto and proud identity.
In addition to full-order products, which are rare in Japan, we have strategically responded to diversifying needs in recent years and have a wide range of high-quality products from basic to extremely hard lines.