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Article: repair & custom 14

repair & custom 14

It seems that it was already too late when he noticed, "It smells like burning ...".

I touched the muffler for a moment, and a hole opened in the hem of the chaps, and the surrounding area was deformed. I think it was a shock, but the customer said, "I'm glad I was wearing leather." You are right.

For the time being, it is in a state where it can be worn, but the deterioration of the leather due to heat extends to the area around the deformed hole, so if left untreated, the hole will expand further.

So it was repaired.

There is also a method of applying leather to cover the damaged part widely, but since the part below the knee is switched, replace each part with stock leather with a similar texture.

I will continue to be careful about the unusual heat, but I think I have changed my mind.

The back of the knee and the hem of the right foot, which is still new, will gradually get used to it as it is worn.

This is a tailored jacket.

I think the customer couldn't believe the deformation of the leather under the pocket. Unlike the Chaps customer mentioned above, he has no idea that he has come into contact with any heat source.

If the cause is not heat, it may be due to the dehumidifier. It is often used in closets during the humid season, but leather products need to be careful.

If the leather is in direct contact with the dehumidifier, it may absorb moisture locally and cause deformation.

There was a case where the leather contracted more and more when it was touched for a long time, and it hardened like a stone.

Once it is deformed, it will not return to its original shape, so in order to wear it again, parts will have to be replaced.

Fortunately, this jacket has a switch under the pocket, so you don't have to replace the right front body completely. I paired it with thin leather that resembles the soft texture of the jacket.

At this time of year, I think many people will keep leather products in their closets for a while. If you are using a dehumidifier, we recommend that you check it again.