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Article: Sapporo in Summer

Sapporo in Summer

Sapporo in Summer

The Obon holidays are over in the blink of an eye...

How did you all spend your holidays?

Kadoya, a specialized manufacturer of leather jackets

I am a special dealer of our company.

At the invitation of President Tashiro, the representative of Sapporo History , I went to Hokkaido and Sapporo.

Kadoya, a specialized manufacturer of leather jackets

The place I was taken to was the Nanpporo Riverside Kart Course.

Several people rushed to the president's call.

The president is a Honda CR85R 2st motocross racer.

The vehicle prepared for me is a Honda CRF150

Kadoya, a specialized manufacturer of leather jackets

This is Aaron. The machine is Honda CR85R2!

This is also the 2nd.

The 2nd racers stood out, probably because of the president's influence.

Kadoya, a specialized manufacturer of leather jackets

Even if you don't like the high-pitched sound of the 2nd machine and the smell of oil, it will get you excited!

The president gave me a lecture on line handling,

The displacement advantage was futile, and I couldn't catch up at all. lol

Kadoya, a specialized manufacturer of leather jackets

By having common hobbies, not just motorcycles,

It's wonderful to be able to share joy across age and occupational barriers, let alone national borders.

It was a really fun day.

Kadoya, a specialized manufacturer of leather jackets

Thank you once again to President Tashiro and everyone who came together.