Changes in leather jackets over time
One of the joys of leather products is how they change over time.
Our company handles various leather products, mainly leather JKT,
We have seen various changes in leather over time depending on our staff and customers.
Unlike textiles and leather that are too thin, they deteriorate over time and end their lifespan.
Leather changes and becomes more attractive as you wear it.
Our products tend to be a little heavier and thicker than general apparel products that are thin and light.
We believe that the change and texture that comes from being a little heavier and thicker will satisfy your desire to own something and enrich your life.
A JKT that has spent time with a motorcycle will develop various wrinkles and scratches depending on the riding position and how it is used.
In particular, the arms, elbows, and cuffs are areas where everyone bends, so wrinkles are always formed.
This JKT of mine is a custom made product based on our product " BONNY-0 ".
Since the model's arms are narrow, we carved out finer wrinkles.
The zipper uses silver-colored nickel, but this JKT has been finished for almost 12 years...
It has turned a dull copper color.
The plating on the dot buttons that were painted black has worn off and turned copper-colored.
The metal fittings are eventually consumables and will have to be replaced and repaired if they break, but the changes in these parts are also part of the fun.
This JKT is the leather JKT that I have been wearing the longest.
As mentioned above, about 12 years have passed, but we are still maintaining and enjoying the changes.
Apart from the other JKTs I own, I always have an insatiable desire for the type of JKT I want, and day by day I fantasize about ready-made or custom-made ones...
I would like to get those JKTs as soon as possible and use them for as long as possible, just like this JKT.