I am always grateful for your help.
The number of people who have just started riding bikes or those who are returning to bikes is increasing, and we have a lot of fun talking with them at our store.
Thank you for visiting our store and purchasing.
We also talk about product inventory, but since we live in the era of smartphones, I think most people search on our website when looking for something.
Some people found it a bit difficult to understand, so today I would like to introduce how to search inventory using an example.
For example, if you search for this new single rider called EURUS...
As you scroll down...
Please touch the red arrow to check the stock status.
Then a screen like this will appear.
Here, the stock status is shown in three stages: ○, △, and ×.
× is out of stock and currently out of stock. I am sorry···.
And the △ is the most difficult, and the next time you see it, you may get an ×, so be careful!
In addition, there are cases where some models that we have produced in the past that are not listed in the latest catalog may be listed if some are still in stock.
In that case, it will be written as OLD STOCK like this.
Regarding stock status, it is rare that each size is available.
There are no plans to reproduce the OLD STOCK model, so if you have the size you want, this might be your chance.
This time we introduced the inventory search on the website.
Inventory at directly managed stores and online shops changes daily, so if you are interested, please contact your nearest directly managed store.
In addition, at our directly managed store, we have many attractive items that you may miss on your smartphone, so we look forward to your visit.