ENTHUSIASTIC RIDERS MAGAZINE "Mr. Bike BG" Impre-Collaboration Project
A world that reflects the world of motorcycles and leather jackets that run through the passage of time.
When wearing a leather jacket and riding various motorcycles
how does that running look
how does that leather jacket fit
You can tell by the fitting of the riding position
The essence of KADOYA riders jacket.
“Man Machine Leather” which is fascinated by BG photographer.
Planning cooperation: Mr.Bike BG
Vol.1 "KH brothers riding DT LEATHER JAC"
< RIDE ON BIKE / Kawasaki KH500 >
"Kawasaki 2-stroke triple with many fans. First appeared at the end of the 60's. It was named SS as a Mach series.From the mid-70's, the car name changed to KH. Although it has the same engine layout, It is said that KH is different from Mach in some aspects, and there are certainly riders who prefer KH to Mach.What is the attraction?” (BG Noah. 2020)
Old-fashioned casual clothes look good on old-fashioned machines. There is also the option of a G-jacket, which is the style of the time, but it is KADOYA's style, and the denim jacket is dropped into a leather jacket to match the model. While casual style, it is made to hold down the points of the rider.
Many people admired the "white smoke" peculiar to 2-strokes, which is almost unheard of nowadays, especially Mach KH. For some reason, I felt like I was getting something when I was able to run through while leaving the smell of oil behind.
The color coordination is vintage yet fashionable, with the deep wine color matching well with the body color. Black goes well with any color and brings out the atmosphere of the time. The strange color selection that can be seen at a glance even in the same color vehicle.
The sleeve pattern does not stretch even in the riding position, and of course the sleeve length fits perfectly into the glove.
The width of the body is smart and the silhouette does not flap. (Actually, this cut doesn't fasten the button, but it's equipped with a Zipper inside, so as you can see, it's okay.)
I buttoned it up correctly.
< RIDE ON BIKE / Kawasaki KH250・KH400 >
“Speaking of KH, many people probably think of the 250/400. While inheriting the heart of the SS series, the chassis was also changed. In the 1980s, power competition intensified and water-cooled engine models were about to appear. It was sold until the beginning and gave birth to the Kawasaki Triple Rider.Now there are plenty of opportunities to enjoy it again.Which one should I choose, 250 or 400?" (BG Hamaya. 2020)
For Kawasaki, “Lime Green” is the only choice, and such a rider is determined by a black leather jacket. After all it is a combination of iron plates.
DT LEATHER JAC and "KH400" on the right, and "KH250" on the left. The "buckle" on the back, which is indispensable for vintage denim JKT, is also reproduced. Just in case, of course, I wear a spine pad (sold separately) when riding.
"400 and 250" Easy way to distinguish is the shape of the engine fin. The 250 has a narrower outermost fin width than the inner one. It was written on BG, you already know!
When driving an old car, you need to feel the behavior of the machine with your whole body. In order to enjoy your favorite car, you need equipment that you can trust with peace of mind.
KADOYA's true value is to combine functionality and safety with vintage casual designs. Of course, being able to enjoy street clothes is another selling point of KADOYA these days.
< Appeared in Shohei Higashimoto's cover illustration >

Mr.Bike BG April 2020
Click here for detailed articles about motorcycles
"It's not Mach, it's KH Ketch."
From the deepened Kawasaki 2-stroke triple special issue
[Cooperation: titles omitted, in no particular order]
Photo: Koichiro Suzuki
Riders: Noah Seren, Fumio Hamaya
Vehicles: Yuhei Okamura/UEMATSU, Wataru Takegaki/TIME TUNNEL,
Toshio Koizumi/UEMATSU, Koji Ishii/TIME TUNNEL

Casual model for riding SPEC
While leaving the design of a casual denim jacket, it has been dropped into a solid rider's specification.
Without spoiling the style of the button fly, you can prevent the intrusion of the wind by lining the Zipper.

Customizable protection function
Coordinate casually with no protector when not riding a motorcycle. When riding, optional protectors can be attached to the shoulders, elbows, and spine, and it is designed with safety as well as style in mind.
Buyer's guide
A motorcycle magazine published by Motor Magazine Co., Ltd. Introducing information about used motorcycles. Released on the 14th of every month.